spar·row • /ˈsperō/
In ancient Greek mythology, sparrows were considered a symbol of love. The sparrow was the sacred bird of Aphrodite, the goddess of love, and symbolized true love and spiritual connection—not just lust
(contrary to this, sparrows are often regarded as one of the most lustful and sexually active birds in the wild).

One too many dating horror stories
Well! That is changing; a restless Latina decided to tackle the issue after hearing one too many dating horror stories from her friends.
Seriously! Why isn't there a C@rfax for people dating?
Jokingly a friend said… there should be a C@rfax for people, everyone laughed, but that got stuck in her head! Seriously! Why isn't there a C@rfax for people dating?
Wouldn't it be awesome to know the basics about the people we have relationships with?

It's better than nothing.
Granted, there are services that, for a fee, can give you a background check assuming that your potential date gave you his real info… But in reality, that process is so inconvenient that no one does it, so we use the next best thing … stalk their social media pages hoping to get some "intel"; definitely not the most reliable system… But hey! It's better than nothing.
We are talking about our health and safety!
Sadly, we have simply learned to live with the risk, and that's totally unacceptable… we are talking about our health and safety!

Easy enough, right?
So, back to our Latina founder, she decided that she would fix this issue once and for all by creating a simple platform that allowed people to exchange verifiable data about themselves… easy enough, right?
Well, not really!
Just happens that YOUR electronic health records are more accessible to insurance companies, healthcare systems, and Pharma than they are to YOU 😯 !

Return the power to their rightful owners
That was the last straw for our founder; now, on top of fixing the original problem, she was on a mission to return the power of data and electronic health records to their rightful owners to be used for their own benefit.
To benefit and protect YOU
Your data should be yours to be used and shared at YOUR will and to benefit and protect YOU… or with Clear Sparrow to make you more attractive to your new friends by sharing that you are clean and not a total psycho.

And that's how the story started
How did our founder figure out the HIPAA compliance, electronic health records access, advanced identification, and Cybersecurity issues? Well, that's part of our secret sauce, but let's say that life prepared our founder for this job over the last 20 years.
A bit about our founder

Let's get it done!
So, yes… It's been quite a ride; we have the best tech partners in the world and the kind of investor you can only dream of. So now it's time to play our part in fixing the dating safety issue once and for all… together, we can slow the transmission of STDs and keep bad people at bay, so we can leave behind a better world than the one we found.